How can we help you? Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most.
Information on who can apply to the AFC can be found by reading section 3.1 on Eligibility, found in the AFC Guidelines Document.
You can find information about the AFC submission and review process by reading Section 2 in the AFC Guidelines Document.
ARGO (Agriculture Research Grant Organizer) is the name of the AFC's online grant management portal. This system will enable you to seamlessly manage and view all of your funding-related interactions with the AFC. From application creation to submission and everything in between.
ARGO (Agriculture Research Grant Organizer) is the name of the grant management portal that is used to manage all AFC research applications. ARGO will enable all AFC Members to seamlessly have access to your application through one powerful portal.
We have created a selection of short training videos designed to get you up and running on the ARGO portal.
A Letter of Intent is a summary of your project or an abbreviated description of a well-thought-out proposed research project.
Start by reviewing each of our Members research websites. Aim to connect the Member's mandate, vision, goal and values to the issue or research question you are addressing.
Align your LOI with this year's research priorities.
Be concise. Always support your objective statements with facts.
SMART is a well-known business acronym used for goal setting. It is important to set your application and yourself up for success by establishing realistic and attainable research goals.
SMART goals are:
A successful LOI will give reviewers a clear understanding of your research, and its importance to the targeted industry. Your LOI should be a summary of your full proposal.
Abstract / Summary Statement
This section of your LOI will explain what you want your research to accomplish.
For example, Dr. X at the University of Y seeks support for developing an innovative new approach to reduce fertilizer use that will sustainably enhance soils and plants and produce a significant increase in yield and is requesting $150,000 over a three-year period.
Statement of Need
This your chance to clearly explain why your project will solve a significant problem or address a gap in knowledge for the targeted industry.
Highlight why your research approach is new or will help expand existing knowledge in this research area.
Benefit to the Industry
Clearly identify who the target audience is for your research. Show what the specific targets and expected results of your research are. Indicate what new knowledge will be generated from your research and how it will be translated into farming/ranching and argi-food practices.
Project Design & Methodology
Let us know your research plan. Provide a description of how you intend to conduct data evaluation and analysis. Include your short, medium and long term research objectives.
Please provide your justification for choosing your methodology.
To Guide You:
Here are some project design questions you should be able to answer:
- Is my project design credible?
- Am I using an integrated or transdisciplinary approach?
- Have I explained why I am the best person to complete this research?
- Have I spelt out what expertise, experience and capacity I have to advance the Member's research priorities?
Only successful LOIs will be invited to submit a full proposal. Applicants will be informed by June 2, 2025 whether or not they will be invited to submit a Full Proposal, and will be notified of the funding agency that will take the lead as a liaison between the AFC and the applicant. Full proposals must be submitted by July 23, 2025.
Please visit our homepage for updated timelines.